A Close Look At The Advantages Of Using Wood For Your Home Building Project

2 January 2018
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


For many years, if a person decided they would build a home or add to their existing home, their first stop would be to gather the lumber they needed to create the framework for the new structure. However, in the recent past, a lot of consumers have stopped putting their faith in wood as a primary building material and instead started using fabricated framing products created from metal and other synthetic materials. While those fabricated products do have their benefits, wood is still a top runner in the construction material game. Take a look at just a few of the reasons why wooden building materials still have a lot to offer in construction. 

Wood is usually a more environmentally-friendly material choice. 

Wooden building materials are far less difficult to produce, whereas the manufacturing process for metal building materials can be lengthy and hard on the environment. Likewise, wood is a renewable building material source. It is also biodegradable, which means that after the wood has been used and served its purpose, it will naturally break down and return to the environment from which it came. 

Wood has acoustic properties that work well in a home setting. 

Wood has been used in sound studios and other settings for a long time because of its sound-absorbing qualities. Wood is actually porous and quite dense, which is one reason why it works well in a residential setting for sound-absorption and noise control. From the wooden framework in the walls to the wooden subfloors on the ground of a home, these components absorb vibrations of sound as they happen. On the other hand, metal simply reflects sound activity back into the home or outward from the home, so noise is not handled but often amplified into the surrounding area. 

Wood may be safer for use in the home for several reasons. 

Many types of synthetic building materials actually release what is known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air around them. However, wood building materials are of a natural base, which means the VOCs are pretty much non-existent with most treated lumber. Plus, wood has a lower capability of conducting electricity than metal, and in fact, tends to absorb some electrical shock instead of conducting it throughout. When properly treated, wood can even be fire resilient. Because of all of this, wooden building materials pretty much set the standard for home construction materials. 

Contact a company, like Hillside Lumber, for more help.